jeudi 14 novembre 2013

Novembre / November

La lumière est un peu tristounette, mais tant pis.
Voici le tableau de départ.

The light is not that good but it will do.
Here is the inspiration painting.

Basket of Apples by Paul Cézanne, 1893
Oil on canvas 65 cm × 80 cm (25.6 in × 31.5 in)
Helen Birch Bartlett Memorial Collection, Art Institute of Chicago

Du rouge, du jaune, du orange, jusque là tout va bien, mais aussi du du vert et du bleu.
Des angles et des ronds, des droites et des plis, du mat et du brillant.
J'ai choisi les angles, les différences de perspectives et les matières, mais je n'ai pas résisté à mes couleurs favorites!
Quelles perles choisir? Après beaucoup d'hésitation, je n'ai finalement utilisé que des perles artisanales!
Un pendentif de Petra Carpreau de Scorched Earth, des perles en céramique de Grey Bird Studio, des perles en verre de Studio Juls et un fermoir de Mary Harding.
J'utilise rarement autant de perles artisanales ensembles, mais là je n'ai pu m'arrêter!

Some red, yellow, orange, that's perfect, but then there is also green and blue. Angles and circles, draped fabric and straight lines,  matte and shiny surfaces.
I chose  the angles, the broken perspective, the textures but I couldn't resist my favorite colors!
Next step, Art beads, which ones will I use? After hesitating a lot, I finally used only art beads! A pendant by Petra Carpreau from Scorched Earth, ceramic beads from Grey Bird Studio, glass beads from Studio Juls and an a Mary Harding toggle clasp.
I never use so many art beads together, but this time I couldn't restrain myself!

Voici le collier pour le défi Art Bead Scene de novembre.
Here is my submission for the november Art Bead Scene Challenge.

5 commentaires:

  1. Oh, this is really a masterpiece! I love seeing all those art beads together, and you even picked the perfect chain! All the textures and colors - just really a lovely necklace!

  2. Perfect! This is really beautiful!

  3. Beautiful! Love all of these art beads in one piece!

  4. Karin Congratulations on being Designer of the Week for ABS. This is a fab necklace. I am so pleased to be a part of it and I am so honored to be with such gorgeous art beads by some of my favorite bead artists!!

  5. I so love to read about your inspirations and your process! Your bead table must be a veritable wonderland of choices! This is beautiful. Thank you for playing along with us. Enjoy the day. Erin


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