Cet échange organisé par Jennifer Stout Cameron. Chaque participants doit créer onze "charms" on pourrait dire des breloques, c'est à dire des éléments à accrocher.
Pourquoi onze? Parce qu'il s'agit d'abord d'un échange. Après avoir envoyé ses onze breloques, chaque participants reçoit en retour, une de ses propres breloques et neuf d'autres participants.
Vous allez me dire, et la onzième? C'est le deuxième objectif de cet échange, récolter des fonds pour l'association Beads of Courage qui travaille avec les enfants malades.
This exchange was organized by Jennifer Stout Cameron. Every participant had to create eleven charms. Why eleven, because it is an exchange. So first you send your charms and in exchange you get one of yours back and nine from other participants. Now there is one left, that's the other aspect of the exchange, to get funds for Beads of Courage.
This exchange was organized by Jennifer Stout Cameron. Every participant had to create eleven charms. Why eleven, because it is an exchange. So first you send your charms and in exchange you get one of yours back and nine from other participants. Now there is one left, that's the other aspect of the exchange, to get funds for Beads of Courage.
Comment? En étant mis aux enchères. Donc pour participer il faut aller:
How? An auction. So now you go there:
How? An auction. So now you go there:
Voici donc mes onze breloques
Here are my eleven charms
Le thème était "Love", amour donc. Pas facile. Première difficultés, je ne sais pas faire de perles, je ne fais pas céramique, de verre, la pâte polymère, ce n'est pas encore concluant. Alors je me suis longtemps demandé ce que j'allais faire. Du tissage, donc des perles tissées. Bien, et avec ceci?
Une tige travaillée en forme de coeur, deuxième difficulté, le thème. Difficile d'éviter le coeur… J'ai essayé, mais je n'ai pas réussi.
J'ai choisi des couleurs chaudes, du crystal, du tissage et du métal pour symboliser le lien, la solidité, l'étincelle et la chaleur et représenter l'amour.
Voici maintenant les autre "charms" reçus, ils sont tous magnifiques.
The theme was love. Not that easy. First difficulty is that I don't know how to work glass or clay, so I had to think hard to decide on what to do. Some bead weaving, beaded beads, and a little wirework with heart headpins. That was another difficulty, trying not to use a heart, but I failed.
I chose warm colors, cristal, weaving and metal to symbolise, link, strength, sparkle and warmth to represent love.
And here are the charms I received, they are all gorgeous.
Jennifer Cameron, http://glassaddictions.com/blog/ |
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Cassi Paslick, http://cassisbeads.blogspot.com |
Ginger Bishop, http://lilmummylikes.blogspot.com |
Kristi Bowman, http://dreamsomedesigns.blogspot.com |
Jacquie Carlson, http://www.beadgypsy.blogspot.com |
Caroline Dewison, http://blueberribeads.co.uk |
Charlene Jacka, http://clay-space.com/blog/ |
Shaih Williams, http://shaihasramblings.blogspot.com |
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Carolyn Chenault, http://carolynchenault.wordpress.com |
Voici la liste de tous les participants, vous pourrez voir ce que chacun à créé:
Here is the list of all the participants to see what each participant created:
Jen Cameron: http://glassaddictions.com/blog/
Toltec Jewels: http://www.jewelschoolfriends.com
Vanessa Gilkes: http://culturezine.com/blog/
Caroline Dewison: http://blueberribeads.co.uk
Lesley Watt: http://www.thegossipinggoddess.blogspot.com
Susan Kennedy: http://www.suebeads.blogspot.com
Nancy Dale : http://www.nedbeads.blogspot.com
Alicia Marinache: http://www.allprettythings.ca
Cassi Paslick: http://cassisbeads.blogspot.com
Alenka Obid: http://www.pepita-handmade.blogspot.com
Renetha Stanziano: http://www.lamplightcrafts.blogspot.com
Shelley Graham Turner: http://www.shelleygrahamturner.blogspot.com
Monique Urquhart: http://ahalfbakednotion.blogspot.com
Shai Williams: http://shaihasramblings.blogspot.com
Lennis Carter: http://windbent.wordpress.com
Cheri Reed: http://creativedesignsbycheri.blogspot.com
Moriah Betterly: http://mlbetterly.blogspot.com
Perri Jackson: http://shaktipajdesigns.com/blog/
Mallory Hoffman: http://rosebud101-fortheloveofbeads.blogspot.com
Ginger Bishop: http://lilmummylikes.blogspot.com
Jean Peter: http://jeanpdesigns.blogspot.com
Linda Florian: http://lilysofthevalleyjewelry.blogspot.com
Patricia Pulliam: http://rusticstudio.blogspot.com
Karin Grosset Grange: http://ginkgoetcoquelicot.blogspot.fr
Julie Bowen: http://blog.autochthonous-evolved.com
Susan Delaney: http://ladyflowersbysusan.wordpress.com
Emma Todd: http://www.apolymerpenchant.blogspot.com
Carolyn Chenault : http://carolynchenault.wordpress.com
Terri Del Signore: http://artisticaos.blogspot.com
Cory Tompkins: http://www.tealwaterdesigns.blogspot.com
Cheryl (Lee) Koopman: http://stregajewellry.wordpress.com
Lori Bowring Michaud: http://artfullyornamental.blogspot.com
Andrea Glick: http://zenithjade.blogspot.com
Jacqueline Carlson: http://www.beadgypsy.blogspot.com
Michelle McCarthy: http://www.fireflydesignstudio.blogspot.com
Charlene Bausinger Jacka: http://clay-space.com/blog/
Kristi Bowman: http://dreamsomedesigns.blogspot.com
Your charms are so pretty! I love the heart on the headpin, and the metallic color of the seed beads is just YUMMY!
RépondreSupprimerA beautiful charm, Kristi - and I should know, as I now own one! Hearts are simply the best ~ I, too, have tried to not use one, but couldn't stay away from one :)
RépondreSupprimerYour charm is just exquisite! I love it.
RépondreSupprimerSusan Delphine Delaney
The time and love you put into your charms is obvious. The color choice makes them look luxurious! - Julie
RépondreSupprimerI really love your charm and got one of yours in the swap. I am so glad you decided to participate and help raise money for Beads of Courage. You are the first person from France to play along :-)
RépondreSupprimerJust loved your little charm! When I received it, it reminded me of a teeny Pinecone! I see you received one of mine as well!! Just beautiful work. Merci, Merci! Loved receiving a charm from far away France one of my favorite places. :)
RépondreSupprimerI am so in awe of those tiny beads and how you can create something so wonderful with them, Karin!
RépondreSupprimerI got one of your lovely little charms and just think its so wonderful!! I love seed beads and the time involved!
RépondreSupprimerI love the colors in these beautiful charms! Tres jolie!
RépondreSupprimerBeautiful charms Karin - Merci.
RépondreSupprimerI love mine. The color choice was a good one. The idea of strength comes through in your design idea.
RépondreSupprimerBeautiful charms, Karin. The color is so warm! I so admire you seedbeaders! I could not possibly work with such tiny little objects! Thank you for stopping by my blog as well!