Mais en tissant, je voyais cette association de perles jaunes et violet/pourpre.
Un collier est déjà prévu, je n'ai plus qu'à le monter.
Quatre grosses et belles perles artisanales me faisaient de l'oeil, je n'ai pas résisté. Elles n'ont besoin de rien, mais je trouve que leur association leur donne du sens et de l'harmonie.
That is a combination I like at the moment. I can see it on my different trays. By the way I was weaving a spiral. Well I started another one and as usual I haven't planned anything for them. I'll see. Either I have an idea, yellow maybe, or they will join the other bits and pieces in the "no use yet" bowl.
But while weaving my spiral, I could see this yellow/ purple association.
One necklace is already planned, I just have to make it.
Four big and beautiful handmade beads kept coming back to me, and I did not resist. They don't need anything, but I thought their association gave them meaning and harmony.
De haut en bas / From top to bottom: Moogin , Round Rabbit, Diane Hawkey, Gardanne Beads |
Sorry for the photo, but night comes early and I tried taking a picture with artificial light.
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