jeudi 29 novembre 2018

Art Elements Star-Themed Challenge

En début de mois, je me suis inscrite au défi mensuel du site Art Elements. Les étoiles, un joli thème de saison.
J'ai fait le tour de mes perles étoiles et je me suis empêchée de de me lancer dans de grands projets tissés ou brodés, j'en ai déjà plusieurs en cours que je n'arrive pas à finir.
Les boucles d'oreilles, rien de mieux pour se remettre en selle.
Voici les premières,

Early in the month I decided to take part in the November Art Elements challenge, the theme was lovely and seasonal:  stars.
I decided not to start any ambitious embroidery or weaving projects as I already have a few started but don't see much progress.
Earrings, that's what I needed to get back to it.
Here are the first ones:

Perles en verre / Glass beads, Glass Bead Art
 Pendants en céramique / Ceramic charm, Scorched Earth

Puis j'ai reçu une commande tout à fait appropriée de chez Golem Studio avec pendentif et perles assorties.
Parfait pour un collier et des boucles d'oreilles.

Then I received an order I had placed at Golem Studio  with matching starry pendant and beads.
What else could I make than a necklace and its matching earrings!

Et enfin avec les restes de cordon de liège et des petites breloques qui traînaient par là, une dernière paire de boucle d'oreille.

Finally I had some left over bits  from the cork cord, so  I paired them with star charms which happened to be there for a last pair of earrings.

Et voilà,
Je vais maintenant faire le tour de toutes les créations inspirées par les étoiles par ici:

That's it.
Now I'm going to hop over to see all the starry themes creations over there:

Guest Artists
Art Elements Team

16 commentaires:

  1. Love that starry pendant and earrings

  2. Beautiful pieces! It would be very hard to pick a favorite.

  3. the necklace is a favourite for me, that is really nice and different but I do love the cork star ear rings too :D thank you for taking part in the challenge :D

  4. Beautiful pieces, each one charming in its own way, love the art beads but also the bunching of small star charms for an exquisite look!

  5. I love the cork earrings with the charms. It it such a fabulous partywear. Btw Is that cork cord from Endless leather?

  6. I love them all especially that starry pendant on the cork cord. I don't believe I have ever seen cork cord. I need to search for some.

  7. I love all of the pieces. I wasn't able to pick a favorite. Well Done!

  8. Oh my gosh! I love the sprays of stars! Especially with the pendant. Fantastic work! Thanks for participating.

  9. Ooh! You had some fun goodies to play with this month! I especially love the spray of stars in the necklace and that last pair of earrings.

  10. Gorgeous designs. I love the clusters of stars, they look like they'd be fun to wear!

  11. Yes, great jewelry! Love the Golem pieces, great interpretation!

  12. Karin, une francophone!! Donc, je laisserai ma commentaire en français, même avec des fautes ::: J'adore ton collier; surtout la tombéé d'étoiles qui le complètent à merveille. Alysen

  13. Cute, cute, cute! I love the star bunches in your jewelry. I'm coming across cork cord for the first time today, and it sure looks interesting.

  14. Each of your jewelry designs is a wonderful interpretation of the theme. Beautifully done.

  15. What wonderful designs I really LOVE the necklace!!!!


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