mercredi 22 janvier 2014

Derniers paquets / last packages

Si je m'y tiens, voici les (presque) derniers paquets qui doivent arriver, pour ne rien vous cacher, il y en a trois autres commandés il y a environ deux semaines aux Etats-Unis.

If I manage to resist temptation and keep my challenge, these would be (almost) the last packages in my mail box, but to tell the truth, I'm waiting for three more I ordered about two weeks ago from the United States.

Helen Jewelry



Nouvelles couleurs, nouveaux matériaux, nouvelles formes…
New colors, new materials, new shapes...

2 commentaires:

  1. Love the great colours and I adore Caroline's elephants!

  2. Beautiful selections! I wish you a good month "off" while you shop through what you already have. I think I should follow too.


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