samedi 25 janvier 2014

Focus on Life 4/52

Cette semaine, le thème ce sont le ou les mots. Des mots, il y en a partout, tout le temps, je travaille avec les mots, je les lis, les écris, les dis, les répète.
Finalement, c'est encore plus dur que l'auto-portrait, je les aime trop! Et puis quelle langue choisir…
Toute cette semaine, j'ai regardé tous mes mots et je n'ai pas su choisir.
Et hier matin, ma bouteille de parfum et un mot.
Un mot que je ne vois même plus, que je dis rarement et qui est mon quotidien.

This week, it is about word(s). There are words everywhere, all the time, I work with words, I read them, write them, say them, repeat them.
Finally, this is even harder than the self-portrait, I love them too much! And what language should I choose…
This whole week, I've looked at all my words and could't choose.
And yesterday morning, my perfume bottle and a word.
A word I don't see anymore, I hardly say but is my everyday life.

Parfois le quotidien me fait oublier que je vis dans une ville riche en cultures et histoires et Histoire, et que dans le gris quotidien, il y a souvent des pépites à trouver.
Et un parfum de rose pour m'accompagner...

Sometimes everyday life makes me forget I live in a city rich in cultures, stories and history, and that in the everyday grey, it is not that difficult to find gemstones.
And the scent of roses with me…

11 commentaires:

  1. Sometimes we can't see what's right in front of us... I used to be the same when I lived in Oxford - you take for granted the beauty around you! A great post :)

  2. Sometimes we forget to see where are in time and space and stop and think about how wondrous are environment. Great post.

  3. It's a fantastic word and a super post. Paris always conjoures up wonderful memories of past holidays for me.

  4. I haven't been there since I was three (late 50's) I'm sure it's changed.. I do have vague memories of the Eiffel tower.. Wonderful word and it works in most languages!

  5. Karin you chose an outstanding word to focus on. Paris would be an exciting place to live.

  6. What a wonderful choice of words! Hope to come visit there again sometime soon (we used to live in Germany so got a visit a few times in the early 2000s)

  7. Sometimes I so long to live somewhere else, that I forget how wonderful this place I live is. Thank you for that reminder! That is such a beautiful perfume bottle, by the way!

  8. Wonderful choice. How lucky you are to be able to take for granted living in one of the world's great places!

  9. I love your photo and the idea that we sometimes take things for granted and forget to appreciate them.

  10. We certainly take for granted the special place that we call home, Karin!


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