samedi 8 mars 2014

Focus on Life 10/52

Cette semaine, Big picture, le grand angle!
Je n'ai pas eu beaucoup de temps pour aller prendre de belles photos avec un vrai appareil photo.
Mais finalement je suis dans le sujet, puisqu'il s'agit de regarder ce qu'il y a autour de soi.
Je vais tricher un peu, avec la première photo, je l'ai prise la semaine dernière.
Les deux autres hier en allant chercher Lou à l'école. Les jours rallongent, les arbres sont souvent encore nus mais les gens se promènent plus longtemps.
Ce sont les espaces de mon quotidien.

This week, it's about the Big picture, the Wide Angle Shot.
I haven't had much time to take nice photos with a real camera. But I'm perfectly focusing on my everyday life with that.
Well, I cheated a little,  the first one, I took last week.
The two others, I took yesterday after picking up Lou from school. Days are getting longer, trees are still bare, but people are staying longer outside.
These are my everyday spaces.

Pour voir d'autres photos…

To see more pictures…

11 commentaires:

  1. Oooo, I love these, you are so much farther along where you are. Yet, we are all making progress in getting to another season!

  2. Great photos! You have green grass!!

  3. I just LOVE these glorious shots. Wow - the first two are my favorite - just stunning!

  4. Great photos. I especially like the first and second photos. How pretty!

  5. Very nice shots!! Especially the one w/the water - wow!! Beautiful!

  6. Beautiful shots. I especially like the second one. The water looks like a runway taking you right into the city!

  7. These are great shots! I'm quite partial to the mountains, but your sky is gorgeous in the last one.

  8. Your everyday spaces look very inviting

  9. Stunning photos all of them, whether you were 'cheating' or not!!

  10. Gorgeous pictures - your everyday spaces are beautiful and very welcoming!

  11. Beautiful, you have captured such warm colours in your pictures.


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