mardi 24 octobre 2017

Reprise difficile / Difficult come back

Un mois entre deux articles! Il était temps que je me reprenne.
J'ai fait quelques petites bricoles ce mois-ci  mais les débuts ont été difficiles, l'habileté disparaitrait-elle avec le manque de pratique?
Bref, des pierres qui dormaient depuis trop longtemps sur ma table, mais des trous trop fins pour un anneau ordinaire. Ce n'est pas très grave, du fil de laiton plus fin fera l'affaire. C'est à ce moment qu'en tournant mon fil, je laisse tout tomber et la pierre se brise.

One month between two posts! It's time to get back to it.
I made a few things this month but the beginnings were quite difficult. Does skill vanish with the lack of practice?
So I had some stones which had been on my table for so long I almost didn't see them anymore, and that's a shame. First, their holes were too small for ordinary jump rings. No problem, I'll take some thinner brass wire. That's when while trying to remember how to manage the wire, I drop the whole thing and the stone breaks.

Maintenant que j'ai commencé, je finis et avec ces pierres. Un peu de E600 et à moins de zoomer on n'y voit que du feu.

Now that I've started, I'll finish, and with the same stones. A dot of E600 and unless you zoom on it, there's nothing left to see.

Le message est clair, il faut que je retrouve une certaine régularité dans l'usage de mes mains à des fins créatives.

I think the message is clear, I need to put my hands to creative use more often again.

3 commentaires:

  1. I find that happening with me too. If I don't make jewelry for a month or two, a looped necklaces takes 2-3 hours but only 30-40 minutes if I do it more frequently

  2. Me as well; I experience this with wire work, and then the difficulty makes me not want to do it, so that perpetuates the problem! You've made a great save here and some lovely earrings.

  3. that glue is a beader's best friend! lovely earrings!


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