vendredi 7 février 2014

Focus on Life 6/52

Cette semaine, Quiet calm, c'est à dire le "calme silencieux" de la nature qui se prépare à renaître.
En ville, le calme et le silence ne sont pas faciles à trouver…
Alors j'ai choisi une fleur, bravant la ville, l'hiver, la pluie et la tempête.

This week, the prompt is quiet calm, to focus on the world getting ready to wake up again.
In cities, calm and quiet are hard to find…
So I chose a flower struggling against city, winter, rain and storm.

Pour plus de photos, suivez les liens…
For more pictures, follow the links

13 commentaires:

  1. What a pretty flower and your photo really makes it the star.

  2. Gorgeous flower photo. the color is striking.

  3. Such a beautiful flower in spite of it's struggles!

  4. What a gorgeous flower! It's always magical for find a little piece of Nature battling against the concrete in the city...

  5. Lovely flower, and the color is excellent!

  6. Beautiful flower ... love it's vibrant color!

  7. Gorgeous photo the color is stunning!

  8. I love your flower photo - what a rich and vibrant colour.

  9. Beautiful colors - go flower go - keep growing!

  10. Oooh! That looks like the "Bachelor's Buttons" my mom grows in her garden. I love the color. I can't wait for spring to bloom here!

  11. What a spectacular flower. Beautifully captured.

  12. Simply stunning photograph. And very aptly 'quiet calm' I just say!! LOVE it! :-)


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